Evolved Elements of Program
A soul clearing is where I tap into the clients energy field daily for 30 days with assistance from Divine guides, Ascended Masters, and the client’s spirit guides with the intention of ascending the clients vibrational state of being. When I ascend the client’s vibrational state of being, it can release and heal physical aliments, addictions, negative thoughts and patterns, releasing karma and soul agreements that no longer serve the highest potential of the client, low vibration, blockages from aligning with your Soul Purpose, deep seeded emotions, and any dark energies or entities that have attached to the client.

During the session we discuss what struggles and challenges you are experiencing and what “goals” you are wanting to obtain for yourself. Through the intimate soul connection I am able to intuitively sense the “root” of the struggles which allows me to determine the best tools for you to immediately add to your day to day routine. With the Intuitive Coaching and self-work you will begin to come out of the struggle and re-align with Soul’s purpose. When you are aligned with your Soul’s purpose and living from your Higher-self, you will be living a spirit-filled life of bliss, wholeness, peace, and confidence.

The Akashic records (Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") are understood to be a infinite collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the aether (a non-physical plane of existence). The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before. It's a boundless channel of information for you to access to shift limiting beliefs, negative stories, patterns, behaviors and align with your true Authentic Divine Self.

The shamanic journey healing meditation is a process where we first locate the feeling, wound or trigger and with my guidance we go into a guided trance-like meditation and begin to heal the core issue. Sometimes the core issue is connected to childhood and/or a current pattern you are cycling through maybe because of your beliefs or limitations. We end the meditation in an empowered and limitless state of being, which will allow you time to integrate your new frequency and beliefs into your everyday life.

Many Clients experience relief and healing from the following:
Repeating old patterns
Feeling stuck/constricted
Relationship issues
Conversion and Somatic symptom disorders
Suicidal thoughts
Lack of Clarity
Lack of Self-love/ Unworthiness
Lack of Spiritual Growth
A daily ritual is performed through remote healing for 30 days with intention of releasing low vibration and clearing space for manifestation
During the 30 day Soul Clearing, you will receive month long support from Dana Massat consisting of: spiritual guidance, life coaching, shifting of thoughts and belief systems, intuitive messages, tools to further your self-work, and answers to your questions. You will receive email updates 3 times a week.
You may feel moments of “heaviness” as the low vibrational energies are leaving. You may feel moments of “lightness and bliss” as the Divine energy is being infused.